What to Expect During Your First Therapy Session ?

Nervous about your therapy appointment? If you're afraid to talk about personal issues with a therapist in person or online, keep reading for tips to help you open up to therapy.

Preparing for the First Therapy Session

There are many different reasons why people decide to seek help from therapy. There may be traumas from your past or you may have a current situation that causes you stress and anxiety. Some people join because they are experiencing symptoms of depression, while others join as a way to save their relationship. Many people wonder what to expect from their first therapy session. They may be nervous as they will enter a new situation. Even if you don't know exactly what you are looking for in the first session, your therapist can help you in the areas you need.

What to Expect During Your First Session

To begin therapy, you must first find a therapist. The key to finding the right therapist will depend on why you decide to seek help from therapy. Different therapists may focus on different situations or concerns, use a variety of therapies, and work with different individuals or groups. When looking for a therapist, it's important to know what you're looking for and why you're seeking help. This will guide you in finding the right type of therapist for you. It is also important to find a therapist you feel comfortable with. For this, you can ask the therapists your questions by using the 15-Minute Free Pre-Interview in the Tappy Online Therapy Platform.

Questions to Ask

When looking for a therapist, there may be a few questions you should consider asking. The answers to these questions will help you determine which therapist you ultimately want to work with. Some questions to consider asking are:

  • Do you need a diagnosis?

If you have health insurance to cover your therapy sessions, you will most likely need a formal diagnosis. This is something your therapist can discuss with you.

  • What is your privacy policy?

If your therapist does not have a privacy policy, you may want to find a different person to meet with. Make sure you understand their policy status and with whom they should share information, and appoint and approve who they can share information with.

  •  Are you experienced in this field?

Ask potential therapists what kind of experience they have in the area you want to advance.

  •  What type or types of sessions do you use in your therapies?

There are many types of sessions and therapy schools. You can learn more by asking your therapist about this school. The first therapy session is very similar to the first time you meet someone new. Your therapist will likely have many questions that you need to answer correctly to get the best experience and ultimately receive appropriate treatment. However, most therapists will not necessarily dive into questions that you may find difficult. They can put you at ease, get to know you, and help you feel comfortable talking to them. This can help encourage you to open up and eventually move on to more difficult topics.

 Understanding Counseling Anxiety

If you're going to therapy hoping for some quick progress, the first session may disappoint you. The first session tends to be more about setting the stage than diving into the issues that lead you to counselling. However, it is important not to be discouraged if you feel disappointed in the first session. The therapist may need to gather basic information from you in the first session before starting your treatment. As you progress through your therapy sessions, you may begin to discover that you have more progress with your initial concerns or difficulties. If you are considering therapy, you may want to consider whether you would like to see a therapist in person or online. Tappy Online Therapy offers you online counseling options. It's very useful if you have a busy schedule and have trouble making time to catch up with your office appointments. Online therapy gives you the freedom to get the treatment you need, whenever you want, from wherever you have a mobile connection.

Remember that you should not hesitate to ask questions of the therapist during and at any time after the initial counseling appointment. The main purpose of a therapy appointment is to help you. Tappy Online Therapy is always with you!
