A. A persistent and recurrent problematic gambling behavior that causes clinically significant distress or impairment, as manifested by at least four (or more) of the following within a twelve-month period:
1. He needs to gamble with more and more money to get the enthusiasm he wants
2. Becomes restless or easily angered by attempts to stop or stop gambling.
3. There have been repeated, unsuccessful attempts to control, stop, or stop gambling.
4. Reflects frequently on gambling (eg, constantly thinking about reliving past gambling experiences, planning or preventing a next attempt, thinking of ways to find money to gamble).
5. Often gambling while feeling distressed (eg helpless, guilty, overwhelmed, depressed).
6. After gambling and losing, he often comes back another day to equalize (running after his losses).
7. He lies to hide how much he gambles.
8. Has jeopardized or lost a significant relationship, job, education or employment opportunity because of gambling.
9. Relies on others to provide financial resources to get out of desperate financial situations because of gambling.