A. Recurrent unexpected panic attacks. A panic attack is a state of sudden overwhelming fear or intense inner distress that culminates within minutes and during that time four (or more) of the following symptoms are present:

  1. Palpitations, pounding heart or increased heart rate
  2. Sweating
  3. shaking or shaking
  4. The state of being short of breath or suffocating
  5. state of suffocation
  6. Chest pain or tightness in the chest
  7. nausea or abdominal pain
  8. Dizziness, inability to stand, lightheadedness, or fainting
  9. Sweating, trembling, chills or hot flashes
  10. Conflicts
  11. unreality (state of detachment or alienation)
  12. Fear of losing control or going crazy
  13. The fear of death

B. After at least one of the attacks, one or both of the others occur for a month (or longer):

1. Persistent worry or worry about other panic attacks or their possible consequences (eg losing control, having a heart attack, going crazy).

2. Behavioral changes associated with the attacks (eg, behaviors designed to avoid having a panic attack, such as avoiding playing sports or familiar, unfamiliar situations) associated with the attacks.


Social Anxiety (anxiety) Disorder, or Social Phobia, as it is commonly used, is an anxiety disorder in which the individual has the fear of being judged by others and the thought that he will be embarrassed or disgraced in social environments and there is a clear and constant fear about this issue. Social isolation in treatment requests for children with social anxiety disorder School officials tell parents to have their children checked out, such as not participating in classroom conversations, or blatantly refusing to communicate in any situation at school. In the early stages, it falsely gives the impression of a quiet and harmonious child, but in reality the child suffers in silence and is helplessly avoiding any unnecessary attention.


Marked fear or anxiety in one or more social situations in which the person may be evaluated by others.

A. The person fears behaving in a way that may be negatively evaluated or showing signs of anxiety (in a way that will cause embarrassment or embarrassment; ostracized or offended by others).

B. These social situations almost always provoke fear or anxiety.

C. The social situations in question are avoided or endured with intense fear or anxiety.

D. The fear or anxiety felt is disproportionate to the situation in question in the social environment and in the socio-cultural context.

E. Fear, anxiety, or avoidance is persistent, lasting 6 months or longer.

F. Fear, anxiety, or avoidance causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.

G. Fear, anxiety, or avoidance cannot be attributed to the physiological effects of a substance (eg, a substance of abuse, a drug) or another health condition.

H. The fear, anxiety, or avoidance is not better explained by another mental disorder, such as panic disorder, body image disorder, or autism spectrum disorder.

I. If there is another health condition (eg, Parkinson's disease, obesity, malformation from burns or injury), fear, anxiety, or avoidance is clearly unrelated or excessive.


Specific phobia diagnostic criteria are as follows according to the DSM-5 classification:

  1. There must be marked fear of a specific object or situation, such as getting on a plane, seeing heights, seeing blood, or seeing any animal.
  2. The source of the phobia should almost always generate fear and anxiety.
  3. There must be active distancing from the source of the phobia or enduring it with intense fear and anxiety.
  4. The fear felt must be disproportionately greater than the actual danger posed by the object or situation.

Fear, anxiety or avoidance must be present for at least 6 months. The person must have clinically significant distress or a significant loss in functionality in social or work-related areas due to fear. With another mental disorder such as panic disorder, OCD, post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms cannot be explained. In the classification of specific phobias, animal type (such as spider, insect, dog, snake phobia), natural environment type (such as height, storm, lightning, thunder phobia), blood-injection-injury type, situational type (plane phobia, elevator phobia) 5 different groups have been defined: phobia of closed places, phobia of closed places) and other types (fear of situations that may cause choking or vomiting, such as fear of loud noises or special clothes in children).


 Developmentally inappropriate and excessive anxiety or fear of separation from the person's attachments as indicated by at least three of the following:

1- Always worrying about leaving home or major attachments, or when leaving.

2- Persistent, excessive worrying about losing the main attachments or that a bad event such as illness, injury, destruction, death will happen to them.

3- Persistent worrying about experiencing an undesirable event (e.g., getting lost, abducted, having an accident, getting sick) that would lead to separation from a major attachment.

4- Never wanting or resisting going out or going away from home to go to school, work or elsewhere because of fear of separation.

5- Persistent excessive fear or reluctance to be alone at home or in other environments, or not being with major attachments.

6- Reluctance or reluctance to sleep outside the home or without a major attachment.

7- Recurrent nightmares involving separation.

8- Having recurrent complaints about physical symptoms (eg, headaches, stomachaches, nausea, vomiting) when separated from or about to be separated from their main attachment.


Selective slurred speech is a disorder that usually starts between the ages of 2-4 but cannot be noticed until school age. The reason why it is usually noticed at school age is that although their intelligence levels and academic achievements are in normal course, they may have difficulty in evaluating teachers because they do not attend classes, are reluctant to read in the classroom, avoid speaking up, avoid making eye contact, and exhibit introverted behaviors. While there are no behaviors such as refraining from making eye contact, they are defined as children who are shy, nervous, disobedient, disobeying the rules, stubborn, avoiding physical contact (hugging, not sitting on the lap of their parents, etc.), getting irritable in contact and making their own wishes done. When the child reaches school age, the change that occurs surprises the families.


On most days of at least six months, there is excessive worry and delusion (anxious expectation) about certain events or activities (such as being able to perform well at work or school). The person has difficulty in controlling his delusions.

This anxiety and delusion is accompanied by three (or more) of the following six symptoms. (at least some symptoms have been found on most days of the last six months):

 1. Being restless (restless) or being tense or constantly on edge.

 2. Easy fatigue.

 3. Difficulty concentrating or mind blowing.

 4. Don't get angry easily.

 5. Muscle tension.

6. Sleep disturbance (difficulty falling or staying asleep, or an unsatisfying sleep that is not restful).

Anxiety, delusion, or somatic symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.
