What is Constant Crying?
Crying out of the blue or the constant urge to cry can be for many reasons. Even if the crying seems unusual, there is probably a logical explanation for this problem. For example, depression can make you feel sad and hopeless, making you want to cry all the time, causing you to suddenly cry. Even the most indiscriminate crying spells often have an explanation. Grief and emotion do not always occur in predictable patterns. However, if the crying you are experiencing is indeed coming from outside the left field, it may be due to an underlying brain issue. However, rest assured that this explanation is highly unlikely.

Symptoms of Uncontrollable Persistent Crying

People experience uncontrollable crying of varying severity and for a variety of reasons. However, crying uncontrollably is more common in negative situations such as mourning the loss of a loved one or losing a job. While grief and loss are common among most people, uncontrollable crying for no reason is not. These episodes differ from feelings of sadness in that the crying does not stop, the feelings do not disappear, and are often inexplicable.
Signs of a constant urge to cry include:
- Experiencing unexpected crying spells that occur randomly
Feeling like you want to cry all the time, even with no effect
- Can't find a reason why you're crying
- Difficulty stopping or slowing down crying
- Feeling sad for no reason
- Finding your feelings is everywhere, you have no expectations when your mood might change
- Crying ranges from soft crying to full-blown hiccups and abrupt stops.  

Why Do I Have The Constant Crying Request?

During puberty and menopause: Major hormonal changes play an important role in human development. It is not unusual for changes in brain chemistry from increased testosterone or estrogen to lead to uncontrollable crying.
Social expectation of women: Researchers have stated that women tend to cry more than men due to the development of gender differentiation in society. 
Because uncontrollable crying is a persistent and rare condition, people who experience it may begin to feel isolated, frustrated, and overwhelmed. Some people may ask why they are crying for no reason, which can be an experience similar to uncontrollable crying, but often does not meet the same lack of control over the intensity and frequency of their crying.
It is important to note that uncontrollable crying symptoms are more common at different stages of human development (such as infancy) and are often influenced by hormone changes and social expectations. However, episodes of uncontrollable crying tend to be more influenced by our mental health and physiology, which replaces the defined population of the person.
Examples of groups and populations that are more likely to experience uncontrollable crying or a sudden urge to cry include:
During infancy and toddlerhood: It is not unusual to witness one or two uncontrollable crying episodes when a child is trying to communicate or are unable to process their emotions. 

Neurological Causes of Uncontrolled Crying

Neurological problems or disorders can also cause uncontrollable crying spells. The role of the brain is to help someone physically, emotionally and cognitively; If there are neurological concerns, this can affect the functioning of the individual in various areas. Some neurological conditions that cause uncontrollable crying spells include Alzheimer's, ALS, and Pseudobulbar Affect, all of which affect cognitive and neurological functioning.
The reasons why neurological disorders can lead to uncontrolled crying include:
Alzheimer's: This disease slowly but surely affects memory and cognition, which is also part of emotional regulation. Studies show that there is an overlap between Alzheimer's and depression in about 20% of people. However, its symptoms, such as uncontrollable crying spells and outbursts of anger, are more fluid.
ALS: Also known as Lou Gehrig's Disease, this deadly disease impairs a person's ability to use muscles and other body parts. Many ALS patients report that they did not know they would experience the cognitive changes or emotional instability that can occur with ALS. In one study, 46% of participants reported not being informed by their doctor about the emotional lability that relates to regulating one's mood and controlling crying spells. This appears to be a limited area of focus for treatment in ALS patients and should be addressed more frequently.
Paralysis: Strokes are caused by cessation of blood flow to the brain, which can cause physical and cognitive problems. In addition to cognitive problems, post-stroke depression can be a common experience, especially when considering the physical and mental rehabilitation process of recovery. Each of these factors can cause uncontrollable crying spells.
Pseudobulbar Effect (PBA): PBA is a neurological condition that occurs in people who have certain neurological factors, or more commonly some type of brain injury. These individuals experience emotional lability, also called emotional incontinence; here, they exhibit uncontrollable bouts of laughing or crying that start and stop abruptly without warning.
Parkinson's disease: Parkinson's is a nervous system disorder that affects people's ability to move, walk, and sometimes speak. Additionally, this disorder can cause a chemical imbalance that puts a person at risk for mood swings and emotional lability such as uncontrolled crying spells and tantrums. Parkinson's disease and depression are highly correlated because of the heavy emotional and physical toll of the disease.

Effects of Uncontrollable Crying

The experience of uncontrollable crying can be confusing and frustrating, especially if you don't know why it's happening. Whatever the reason for crying, spells can affect various areas of a person's life as they can interfere with routine and feelings of stability. While these spells are not that common, many people learn to live with them and seek help when needed.
The effects of uncontrollable crying can include:
- Insulation
- Missing important events
- Social embarrassment
-Limited connection with others
- Potential problems at work, school or outside of a hobby
- Difficult feelings surrounding crying

How to Stop Uncontrollable Crying?

It can be hard to imagine how crying spells can be stopped when they are for no reason and are unpredictable. However, there are ways to prevent and slow these crying spells, including distraction, tracking your triggers, and the ability to relax.
Here are 8 ways to stop or limit uncontrollable crying:
1- Engage in relaxation skills such as breathing deeply through your nose, putting your tongue on your palate to slow your brain down, and breathing work like progressive muscle relaxation.
2. Find healthy distractions like focusing on another event, changing your thought process (i.e. stopping thinking), or counting some of the space around you.
3- Practice grounding techniques such as turning a ring on your hand to touch it, counting what you can smell or hear, or pinching your skin if it helps.
4-Change your environment by doing walking meditation and give yourself a break from the current stimuli.
5-Get in touch with the benefits of nature that can reduce stress, anxiety and depressive feelings. Access to nature can be done through adventure therapy or ecotherapy.
6-Activate nerves in your body, such as your vagus nerve (done by relaxing your stomach), which can help your brain calm you physically and mentally.
7-Log your crying episodes to track down where a pattern, trigger, or particular stimulus might play a role.
8- If possible and feasible, consider exercise that can help release dopamine to make you feel better and potentially change your mood.

When to Get Help?

If you are experiencing uncontrollable crying spells, you may be wondering whether to seek professional help. Professional help is always an option, especially if you're struggling with mental health symptoms and additional problems with spells. If you are experiencing significant life stressors in various areas of your life, the best way forward is to process what is happening and seek help on how to cope.
People rarely cry for absolutely no reason. If you cry a lot, feel bad, or think your emotional outbursts are causing problems in your daily life, it may be time to see a healthcare professional.
Unusually crying can be a sign of depression, anxiety or other conditions. Fortunately, most causes of unexplained crying can be managed and treated. If your crying is disrupting your routines, causing embarrassment, or is accompanied by other symptoms, you can seek help from a mental health professional to rule out an underlying condition.