Somatization disorder is a diagnosis of psychological origin with multiple somatic complaints. Somatization Disorder has been defined as Hysteria since ancient times, and it was named Briquet Syndrome in the 1960s. However, in recent years, it has been discussed under the name of Somatization Disorder.

A. A history of multiple physical complaints beginning before age 30, occurring over a period of several years, resulting in treatment seeking or impairment in social, occupational, or other areas of functioning.

B. Each of the following criteria must be met. Any single symptom may occur at any time during the course of this disease.

1-Four pain symptoms: History of pain associated with at least 4 different sites or functions (For example, headache, abdomen, back, joints, extremities, chest, rectum, during menstruation, during sexual intercourse, or during urination.)

2-Two gastrointestinal (gastrointestinal) symptoms: History of at least two gastrointestinal symptoms other than pain (for example, nausea, bloating, vomiting outside of pregnancy, diarrhea, or touching many foods).

3- A sexual symptom: History of at least one sexual or reproductive symptom other than pain (for example, sexual apathy, erectile or ejaculatory dysfunction, irregular menses, excessive menstrual bleeding, vomiting during pregnancy)

4- A pseudoneurological symptom: History of at least one symptom or deficit suggestive of a neurological condition that is not limited to pain (for example, conversion signs such as coordination or balance, paralysis or weakness in a particular area, difficulty swallowing, or a feeling of tightness in the throat) dissociative symptoms such as aphonia, urinary retention, hallucinations, loss of touch or pain sensation, double vision, blindness, deafness, seizures, amnesia; unconsciousness other than fainting.)


The literal meaning of conversion is “rotate” or “transform”. It occurs as a defense mechanism. It is the most common among somatic symptom disorders. This disorder is the emergence of neurological symptoms such as fainting, loss of sensation or paralysis without any underlying physical problem. These symptoms occur outside of the person's control. Fainting, convulsions, paralysis, inability to stand, loss of sensation in hands and feet, and mutism can be seen in conversion disorder. Since the symptoms are similar to the neurological disease symptoms, neurological diseases should be excluded.
