Premarital Counseling

Premarital counseling in many forms (online, in groups) will be an important part of couples' future lives together and

It provides an opportunity to prepare for marriage by discussing possible issues. As the marriage progresses, there may be potential causes of marital stress. It would be useful to convey your perception of marriage and what the expectations should be. However, premarital counseling provides more than just topics to discuss. As you discuss these issues, you and your partner also learn how to talk about them respectfully without quarrelsome and hurtful conversations, as well as how to successfully resolve conflicts when they inevitably arise.

 If you and your partner decide to engage in premarital counseling, you can expect the following benefits:

- Better understanding of coexistence prospects

-Improved communication and conflict management skills to help prevent problems from turning into serious marital problems

- Awareness of differences that may require reconciliation and the chance to lay the groundwork for these reconciliations before marriage

-External examples of successful marriages and what it takes to sustain one

-Stronger bond and increased trust with your partner

-Greater awareness of the strong areas of your relationship and other areas that may need a little more work

 As a requirement of premarital counseling, the couple must attend the sessions together. In the premarital counseling process, where healthy communication is at the center, the couple's ability to express themselves comfortably next to each other is the key point for the success of the process. However, it can also happen individually. If only one side has situations such as stress, fear and anxiety related to the marriage of the individual, it would be more appropriate to practice individual sessions. The dynamics of each relationship are different from each other. A relationship cannot be compared to another relationship. The counseling process of each relationship proceeds differently from each other. The important thing is to move forward in accordance with the dynamic of that relationship in this process. While some couples apply because they are helpless about their existing problems and conflicts, some couples apply in order to move their relationship to a better and more satisfying union.
