Is Coffee Anxiety Real?

Many people drink a cup of coffee in the morning, and others rely on it to keep them awake at any time of the day or night. This is nothing to worry about, but what if coffee makes you feel anxious more often? Is it possible that coffee could cause anxiety, and if so, what can you do about it?

How Does Coffee Wake You Up?

Coffee contains caffeine, a type of stimulant. This can keep you alert and allow you to focus after drinking. However, it may cause other effects, which may be minor or significant depending on how much you drink per day and your caffeine tolerance. These effects include things like mood changes, stomach upset, increased heart rate. These are symptoms that are very similar to what people feel when they are anxious. People with anxiety may not be able to tell the difference between the effects of drinking too much coffee and experiencing anxiety.

Is Coffee Anxiety Real?

Just because coffee gives you the same anxiety symptoms doesn't mean it causes anxiety. There is a limit to how much caffeine each person should have per day, and you need to know your tolerance. If you drink too much caffeine or coffee, it can cause you to be more anxious, which can make you feel like your anxiety is worse than usual.

Can I Drink Coffee If I Have Anxiety?

If you have a problem with anxiety, you can continue drinking coffee. You will also need to be aware of how much you drink, as you need to watch your caffeine intake. It is recommended that you do not drink more than the recommended daily amount of 400 milligrams per day. You may also need to drink well below this limit when you have anxiety. It's also a good idea to drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration while drinking coffee. Research shows that people with anxiety are more sensitive to caffeine than those who do not experience anxiety. This is another reason for people with anxiety to be careful when drinking coffee and pay particular attention to the amount they drink.

Is coffee bad for anxiety?

While coffee itself does not cause anxiety, it can increase anxiety symptoms if consumed too much. Anxiety levels and anxiety symptoms can be worsened by consuming excessive amounts of caffeine. Caffeine increases feelings of anxiety and can cause sleep problems if consumed too late in the day, which triggers anxiety and becomes a vicious cycle. 

How can I stop coffee anxiety?

The best way to stop coffee anxiety is to reduce your caffeine intake throughout the day. Over the course of a day, caffeine intake can increase significantly. So, while quitting coffee altogether is an option, most of the time you can reduce your caffeine intake throughout the day. For example, if you tend to drink multiple cups of coffee a day or drink things like espresso, consider switching to just one cup of regular coffee a day.

Why does coffee soothe my anxiety?

In some cases, caffeine may actually help some people cope better with anxiety symptoms. This is because coffee beans contain a lot of caffeine, which helps the prefrontal cortex get more dopamine from the brain than it normally does. If your anxiety is compounded by depression, the increase in dopamine will actually make you feel better.

How long does coffee anxiety last?

Depending on your caffeine intake, caffeine and anxiety will begin to affect you at the same time, usually within 45-60 minutes.

Which tea is good for anxiety?

Green tea, or any herbal tea, can help soothe anxiety symptoms. Green tea is one of the most common teas you can easily find. If green tea is not your favorite, try herbal teas such as chamomile, peppermint, lavender or spearmint.

 What can I have instead of coffee to wake up?

If you decide to give up coffee, try a green tea like matcha tea instead in the morning. You can also try exercising in the morning for a good energy boost. Some fruits, such as apples and oranges, also contain nutrients that will support you. Another option is to drink a glass of water first thing in the morning. It will help stimulate your digestive system, which can help waken your entire body.
